With interest rates dropping near zero, cash is in abundance and skills are quite scarce. 鉴于目前利率跌至零附近,各大企业现金充裕,而有技能的人力资本却相当缺乏。
It is very profitable, due in part to a near monopoly in robotic surgery, and has$ 2bn in net cash. 这能带来相当可观的利润,部分原因是其在机器人手术领域拥有近乎垄断的地位。该公司拥有20亿美元的净现金。
As the Fed Fund rate is not expected to change in the near term, we continue to prefer US government bonds to cash given the strong yield differential in favour of the former. 由于联邦基金利率预计不会在短期内改变,相对于现金,我们继续看好美国国债,因为后者收益率远高于前者。
Is there a bank near here? I need some cash. 附近有银行吗?我需要一些现金。
But Ms Poon, who owns a flat in Macao's poor northern district, near the border with Zhuhai, points out that this is a chip she cannot cash in. 但在澳门毗邻珠海边境、较为贫困的北部城区拥有一套公寓的潘兰英指出,这套公寓是个无法变现的筹码。
American law requires that their return policies have to be posted in writing near the cash registers. 美国法律规定商店必须把退货条款书写在收银台的旁边。
The time is near when they will not be able to pay for them all in ready cash. 时间接近他们将无法用现金购买这些武器的时候。
However, even those employees who are near the bottom and who will get mostly cash will see their bonuses spread out over several years. 然而,即便是那些排在末尾、拿到的大多为现金的员工也会发现自己的奖金将分多年发放。
I reminded myself that if I wanted to make money, I needed to stand near the cash register. 我提醒自己,如果想赚钱的话,就得站得收款机近一点。